Three months after COP26, Glasgow’s young people choose
12 art projects
to help save the
Meet the projects selected from an unprecedented participatory art journey, building on the legacy
 of COP26
 is a participatory art project which provides
Glasgow’s young people
with a voice to raise
of their priorities for

the environment
Working with Glasgow’s artist-in-residence programme, Create4Glasgow aims to inspire young people to become climate activists through art. The project was launched by the Lord Provost on Youth Empowerment Day at COP26 and started with a survey of more than 1,800 young people in Glasgow, which identified three common environmental concerns: air pollution, water pollution and fears around the Earth becoming uninhabitable.
Following the survey, over 800 people engaged with the project, including 248 works of art submitted by young people from Glasgow and 40 local school classes.
In January, 27 shortlisted artworks were shared with local schools to decide
 on 12 winning projects. The artworks
 are divided in three categories :
01 Meet the class
School projects submitted by pupils working in collaboration with their teachers and local artists in residence.
02 Do it for Your City
Projects with a local impact and focus.
03 Artists from all around the world
Contributions from individuals outside of Glasgow.
Today, we are delighted to announce the selected projects and artworks, as chosen by 550 pupils from Glasgow Schools.
The 12 projects for the last step of the journey
Clean Drain Campaign
Sunnyside Primary School with artist-in-residence Zoe Walker and Neil Bromwich

With modelling paste animals, Glasgow's young people are starting a campaign to raise awareness on water pollution, with a particular focus on the Clyde.

Leaves for Life
St Paul’s Youth forum with artist-in-residence Zoe Walker and Neil Bromwich

The students of St Paul’s Youth Forum have decorated their bikes with leaves and organised a peaceful march to invite everyone to take their bikes instead of their cars.

Castlemilk Food Pantry
Castlemilk Primary with artist-in-residence Deirdre Nelson

The pupils imagined several ideas for a campaign to shed light on the benefits of the Castleton Food Pantry

Almost To The Moon
Thornwood Primary’s P6 with artist-in-residence in the making Jenny Olley

If we add up all the items of clothing thrown away by each person in the UK, we could reach almost to the moon! The Almost To The Moon campaign aims to raise awareness on the impact of clothing on our planet.

An air pollution solution
Hollybrook Academy S3a and S3b

The students from Hollybrook Academy have realised that they are exposed to a lot of air pollution because of car traffic near their playground. They had the idea to have
 a green living wall to reduce the impact of this.

Green News Broadcast
St Anne’s Primary

Meet the pupils of St Anne's, and discover their news broadcast as well as their song to address climate change!

Sensory Antarctic Penguins
Langlands Primary

Everyone deserves to be able to feel an artwork! This creation from Langlands Primary pupils can be touched in order to discover these playful penguins.

The Treesitters
St Albert’s P4

Meet the Treesitters! The pupils from St Albert’s P4 have been learning about peaceful protest by protecting the tree in their backyard!

A Children's book about a Lonely Tree
St Conval’s P7

The pupils of St Conval’s P7 have written and drawn books about imaginary animals, such as The Lonely Tree, Izzy the Octopus, or Bubbles the Dolphins to invite us to take action.

Carrying the Earth
St Mungo’s Arts and Design Academy

This watercolour painting shows how humans are now struggling to defend our planet. Working with local artists in residence, students are exploring the ways in which we can lighten this heavy load.

Our Earth is burning and drowning
St Mungo’s Arts and Design Academy

Our Earth is torn apart between flood and fires! Let's save her! St Mungo's Arts and Design Academy have been discussing ways to save the planet, using this graphic artwork as a stimulus.

Would you let me die?

Samwise was our first contributor! This cute seal, lost between plastic bags in the water, raises awareness of water pollution - one of the biggest problems that our planet faces.

These projects will become the focus of
a series of workshops
led by Glasgow’s artists-in-residence
across the city’s 23 wards
, as they continue to raise awareness of local climate issues and use the creativity of young people to seek
long lasting solutions

Glasgow is Scotland’s largest city, with just over 600,000 citizens. Glasgow City Council is the largest of the 32 local authorities in Scotland.

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Glasgow Life is a charity working for the benefit of the people of Glasgow. We believe everyone deserves a great Glasgow life and we find innovative ways to make this happen across the city’s diverse communities.

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With the support of

Led by Michael R. Bloomberg, a global climate champion and Special Envoy to the UN Secretary-General, Bloomberg is tackling the climate crisis from every angle.Create4Glasgow builds on support by Bloomberg L.P for programmes which enable young people in Glasgow to harness the legacy of COP.

Learn more